庭でプール POOL in the garden
- Опубликовано: 1 дек 2024
- 昨年あまちゃんを2歳目前で海水浴デビューさせたところ、水を怖がって泣き叫んで、全く海に入れなかったので、今年はまず水に慣れさせようと思い、子ども用のプールを購入しました。さあ、どんな反応を見せるかな?
Last year, when Amachan was just about to turn two, we took her to the beach for her debut, but she was so scared of the water that she cried and screamed and refused to go in at all, so this year we decided to get her used to water first and bought a children's pool. Now, how will she react?